Beautiful Words

"True photography inspires the inner beauty of a display"

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Starting New

Okay! I was really procrastinating to write or in other words type. Maybe because nothing really major happened since, that you the reader would get a laugh or a kick out of. I've been thinking lately and I've decided I want a fresh new theme or "approach" to my blog. No, that does not mean I'm changing my blog address but it does mean I'm gonna get myself a new layout. I've had an interest in fashion lately. Going shopping, checking trends and styles and I've even been sketching out and drawing my own dress. Maybe I should make a fashion blog? I won't be able to hold up to blog's at once, considering my "Oh so tiresome" and spontaneous lifestyle. I need a change. I'm sure you do aswell. So I've decided to just jam pack this blog with everything on my mind. I'll start adding images, linkage and whatever junk I can find. Hopefully I'll update my video section with some good for you to watch. Oh, yeah, an you know what? I'm over Twilight now. I've got better things to do than dream about Edward Cullen, maybe I've over that "hormonal phase". I don't know why but i keep saying "harmones" rather than "hormones" and my friends just crack up. I'm going to add more colour into my blog, starting from NOW!

Friday, January 30, 2009

Starting School

I stopped blogging for the summer. Summer vacation was hot, luckily there's always the comfort of air conditioning. Basically my summer was spent lazing around and finding a new hobby to do. I actually managed to finish a 2000 piece puzzle which was hiding in one of the big boxes people usually have one the very top of a shelf or wardrobe. I even had so much time to waste that I made a rubber band ball. Worth it though, their really unique looking and very bouncy. Unfortunately the other half of my holidays was mostly spent on buying my needs like sports shoes and school supplies and also getting everything arranged and ready, unfortunately.
I watched a lot of tennis during the holidays including the Medibank International and the Australian Open and since tennis took a break during summer holidays it made me a little desperate to play again.

School's just started and I still feel that I'm still floating in the middle of 2008, hopefully the date kicks in soon enough. So since the first week of school's kicked in all the teacher's start from basic revision to alter our brains from solid to malleable and this means an easy start which is good but they also through in the catch of making title pages. I don't mind creating my visual design title page but did they really have to make us do title pages for geography and science and every other subject as well. I think my science teacher went overboard he gave us a book with an exact number of pages to go and purchase and instructed us that we must do the following because it counts for twenty marks:
1. Have a label with the everything written on the the blackboard, make sure you do it exactly the same as written with the exception of you name.
2. Draw a title page with this exact heading.
3. The title page must be on the first page and then the second page must be left blank.
4. Make sure that the label is stuck on the front of your book.
5. Your book must be covered in contact.
6. (Last of all) Your label must also be covered.
He concluded with: "Now class, you MUST have ALL of this done or you will lose marks". Jeez, great way to start the first lesson sir. I had to keep writing all this and more in my organizer to not lose those 20 marks. It's hard enough covering a book with contact trying not create air bubbles regardless of covering the label as well. I'll be extra cautious with this to even alter any word that he may have captialized on the board.
So now, I've chosen my electives and I've already had a taste of all three: Commerce, Visual Design and Drama. Commerce probably the most boring out of them all but I'll get through that because I've got my best friend with me. Drama, I think is very practical which I enjoy but there also seems to be writing involved and that is to write a drama journal. A drama journal is basically a diary focusing on drama, we have to write about what we have done in drama for that day and apparently (as the teacher stated) we could also write about how we got the "shits" from someone during classes. Wow! Have you heard a teacher say "shits". Now it finally brings me to my final subject that I chose called Visual Design. Many probably haven't heard it before but basically the subject has a broad view of design in a very commercial way. So that means that the subject is very open and at one point we'll be doing film and at another we'll be interior designing.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

A World With No Voice

I watched "The Duchess" the other day. The movie is definitely well produced and has an interesting storyline. It reminded me of a novel which I'd read earlier this year to write a response for English class called "Beware, Princess Elizabeth" written by Carolyn Meyer. This novel fell under the genre historical fiction. It tells the story about Elizabeth Tudor or otherwise Elizabeth I. Even though now and then when we are tied up with so many errands sometimes you may feel that we have many more duties than those who live in era where position brought remarkable respect. Reading the book and also watching the movie "The Duchess" showed me that people of those days had more weight over their shoulders than what we have now. People where made to respect people of a higher rank in society to them whether they like it or not and if they did not obey their life could have been taken away. I bit scary. In the present world, we are able to create our own future and "position" in society.
Now imagine the world we're each person had been given a role from the day of birth which they were meant to follow whether it was the duke or a slave. This new role will never change, no recruitment and definitely no such thing as a promotion. In this world, the king's voice is greater than any other and speaking up is totally out of the question unless you're prepared to be charged with death. There is no fairness, you upset the king's mood and down drains out you life. If you are given the role of a ruler of a territory you'll be given a palace to live in along with people to serve your needs. Although if the palace seems lonely lonely then you may need company so you'd look to the people who serve you. If you express your thoughts too boldly and say anything negative about people higher or rank then this may be reported and again a death penalty could be given.
Scary huh? I would have imagined people going crazy with all that stress and self-consciousness in their head. You must have been a very composed person to live through that era. To express a point you must have had to be very smart, controlled and conscious of your surroundings. Besides that, I do recommend the movie and the book, especially the book, they are both very entertaining.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Staring At Blank Walls

This week was hectic at the start, running out of time to do the many jobs pending. Although, now it's cleared up. I have finally have time on my hands. There's always a time to struggle but there's always a time of relaxing.
I've finished reading Twilight long back. If I could only find someone like Edward Cullen; that would be a character in my wildest fantasies that I long to be real in my life. After reading Twilight, it's made me want to read other works about romance and steer my imagination in that direction. While I wait for the book after Twilight in the series I've been reading, not necessarily about love, but other works. The books seem truthfully boring compared to Twilight. Even though Twilight may not have as many aspects of an action book it can really make everything feel almost real.
Before I entered this phase of "having not much to do" I thought i would enjoy having spare time. In a way I want that busy life to come back. It's kinda weird how the brain works. It's the same when your cold, you seem to want the weather to be hot; and vice versa. We want what we don't have but we barely seem to rejoice what we have already.
It's funny what i do in my spare time. Sometimes when I think about it, it seems that all the time I have has gotten my head in. I've developed a habit of staring. Sometimes I don't even realize I'm staring at a wall. I just do it. Sometimes daydreaming, sometimes my mind is just blank when I stare. I don't really pay attention to what I'm staring at but it just happens. I've lost myself daydreaming in class this week. Just staring at the door until, my brain came back to collect my conscience me. I don't think it's anything to worry about, maybe it's because of boredom or a lack of things to occupy my brain. I'm not exactly sure though. Looks like I've got a mystery to solve.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

I Swear I'm Not Procrastinating

It's been a while since my last post, I'm not procrastinating of course. It's just because my life had become a ball of posted notes. I had schoolwork, errands to do and places to go also mentioning i had to take care of my usual routine. Now, things have cleared up. The layer of haze has thinned out. I'm still not carefree but I don't think I know of anyone with a carefree life.
There are so many things on my mind. I've noticed how much time I've wasted when I wasn't as caged with errands. Like for example, when I didn't have homework or places to go, I'd just waste my time either watching television or going on the internet. Yet, now I realize, there are so many things i can do to enjoy myself, I've also realised how much I enjoy spending time on my own, needing nothing more than the comfort of my home. This summer I have briefly planned in my mind what I want to do. I want to start roleplaying online, might sound a bit weird when I mention "online" but when you actually get engaged it's quite interesting. When I mean roleplay I mean literate roleplay without chat speakers. I've been lurking through a couple of boards of role play recently to get myself familiar with the whole world. As I lurked past, I was surprised to see how creative some people are and how much talent anonymous people have with introducing, describing and adding personality to a character. It almost makes the roleplay feel real. Secondly I want to get back in touch with photography. I've taken a bulk of photos already but i never actually printed many out. When I find the time I want to head back to places I used to visit and my past and take photos.
I was pondering around looking for that book called "Twilight" ever heard?(who hasn't?) It's really hard to get your hands on that book unless your looking to buy. I wasn't in a total rush to read the book because I knew I had too many things to do so I didn't bother to buy. So I called the library up hoping to reserve it atleast because great demand made it difficult to borrow straightaway. Here's the conversation I had (tampered with a little):
Librarian: Hello how can I help you
Me: Uhh, hi. Could I please borrow the book Twilight?
Librarian: Umm, yep. Let me have a look for you.
Me: Alright, thanks.
Librarian: I'm sorry I'll have to put you on reserve, there's a wait ahead of you.
Me: yep that's fine.
Librarian: Could I please have your card nuumber?
Me: (gives card number).
Librarian: Alright your on the list.
Me: Could I just ask how long it would take, before I get the book?
Librarian: There's 42 people ahead of you and we have 3 copies. So about 2 years.
Me: Uh, okay...thanks.
After that, I was just shocked. Not shocked as much for the 2 year wait but the tone of her voice. She was so calm about it. I was hoping to get it by summer holidays and then she says "two years" with the most "there you go, enjoy and have a good day" voice. I started cracking up a laugh after that phone call. So there my journey started to venture out for that novel about vampires and romance called "Twilight". I called up another library and they put me on reserve saying that i could be lucky and get it by summer. Two weeks followed and we were in the library for english at school. I hardly do borrow books from the school library because I prefer the bigger libraries with a bigger range of book. Anyway, I was curious, how long would the wait be here, 3 years? Maybe they don't even have the book i thought. I searched Twilight in the terminal. "1 out of 1 copies" was displayed at the bottom. This can't be real i thought to myself. I search for it on the shelves and there it was on a spine label "Twilight". I picked it out. This wasn't Twilight, maybe it was a fake I thought. It was Twilight except with the old cover. The book was unbelievably worn out and chunks of pages were only hanging on by only the the stick of some tape. Well it was Twilight alright. As fragile as it be. My final exams period was on so I was planning to save the reading till 5 days later so my exams would pass. I couldn't resist that night and I started reading. I finished the book over the weekends when i had borrowed it friday. I didn't have much time though because i had to study aswell as go places. So i used a technique i call "express reading". I read in the car, while i waited, on the dinner table, instead of my favourite show which runs for 30 minutes. I basically read wherever I found and excuse to instead of wasting my time. It took away some of my studying time but I didn't mind because my science exam wasn't hardly on anything I had studied. The whole year over studied for our stupid yearly science test. It was based more on general knowledge and we'd done all this work on memorizing formulae, theory and examples of the topics. None of the studying material mattered in the test. There I was the two days before, studying newton's three laws, ecology, forensics and all this other useless material. What a laugh.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Word Of Warning

Holidays have started. The spring holidays where the flowers start blooming and bringing color into the once dry plain season. For me I think these holidays would be all about change. Changing my lifestyle. Bringing out my hobbies. Unfortunately time is an obstacle which when passed can't be brought back in front of you. So here I am stuck indoors while the sun shines doing my schoolwork. Well there is still some enjoyment outdoors but isn't the "most meant to be fantastic holidays" wasted behind books or worrying about school tasks. On the other side i do have time to sit down and just as they say "chillax" listening to music and doing nothing as thoughts blow in and out through my mind. I long for a day where it's hot outside while I'm inside the house on my bed listening to the wind while a song plays with a beat which makes you feel like swaying or dancing.
I heard the song "Ring a Ring o Rosies" recently. I've sung this rhyme a number of times when i was young althought i never knew what it meant. So i decided to do my research, find out the meaning shadowed behind these innocent words. The nursery rhyme "Ring a ring o Rosies" has a message within. See if you can catch the meaning, read it carefully to understand-
Ring-a-Ring o'Rosies
A Pocket full of Posies
"A-tishoo! A-tishoo!"
We all fall Down!
The words "ring a ring a rosies" relates to the symptoms of the bubonic plague which were said to be rashes ringed in shape with a rosy color. The next line "pocket full of posies" suggests that in the time of the plague, people who had the plague would hold posies(a type of flower) in their pockets because it was said that smelling them would sure them from the plague. The third line relates to the sneezing that was also another symptom of the plague. With the meaning of the first three lines the forth line becomes quite obvious. "we all fall down" or in other words, we all rest in peace. Many or all nursery rhymes are filled with message and also many with warnings and dark messages which relate back to history. It's quite disturbing knowing this information when in the past you may have sung this to someone who you care for. You probably have sung this song to young children to put a smile on their faces or as a bedtime song. From that they learn the songs and sing them because the lyrics are catchy. You see children singing nursery rhymes innocently with a meaning that could be quite disturbing.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

First Gush Of Spring

I'm not procrastinating to post it's just that I was held back. Held back to finish off my school work rather than update my blog. People say that education is meant to help your well being later on in life but when the pressure piles on your back your lifestyle begins to change and it's hard to be free. This is how i felt a week ago. Why can't our assignments be spread out throughout the year instead of given all at once.
On the brighter hand, spring has officially started. This season is meant to be "the" season of the year when the birds fly from place to place, the breeze swoops across the edge of your cheek and when the gold rays of sunlight warm up the ends of your toes. This month is all about how nature blossom and displays it's colors just like a flower. It's a change from the winter chill. The sun stays up a little longer which means there's time for that evening walk with your dog.
I finally got my own camera from all the money i had accumulated from my birthday. It's Sony and it's stylish! This spring with holidays edging in less than a week I'll be snapping away with flash. It's brought me back to my hobby which is photography. When I've captured the right amount of photo's and touched and customized them up with imaging software, I'll print them in a matte finish. It'll pass my time over the holidays.
During this spring holidays I also want improve my fitness. According to my physical activity results (flexibility, endurance, speed, etc) and BMI(body mass index) I have a well balanced lifestyle. Even though my health is good doesn't everyone aim for the top? I'm quite competitive in sports so I basically want to be near the top. This holidays I'm concentrating on my own well-being. Of course there'll always be the day out with friends and a muck around. Till then though, I'll just have to countdown.