Beautiful Words

"True photography inspires the inner beauty of a display"

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Starting New

Okay! I was really procrastinating to write or in other words type. Maybe because nothing really major happened since, that you the reader would get a laugh or a kick out of. I've been thinking lately and I've decided I want a fresh new theme or "approach" to my blog. No, that does not mean I'm changing my blog address but it does mean I'm gonna get myself a new layout. I've had an interest in fashion lately. Going shopping, checking trends and styles and I've even been sketching out and drawing my own dress. Maybe I should make a fashion blog? I won't be able to hold up to blog's at once, considering my "Oh so tiresome" and spontaneous lifestyle. I need a change. I'm sure you do aswell. So I've decided to just jam pack this blog with everything on my mind. I'll start adding images, linkage and whatever junk I can find. Hopefully I'll update my video section with some good for you to watch. Oh, yeah, an you know what? I'm over Twilight now. I've got better things to do than dream about Edward Cullen, maybe I've over that "hormonal phase". I don't know why but i keep saying "harmones" rather than "hormones" and my friends just crack up. I'm going to add more colour into my blog, starting from NOW!